
40 Regulatory Activities to Support Anxious Children

When anxiety affects a child they can find it challenging to know what to do. For some children they may have the ability to express their emotions and communicate their needs to you, however, for some, feelings can escalate quickly. There are some simple activities that we can keep in our tool kits to support […]

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Children’s Activity: Nature Activities for Mental Health

As it’s Mental Health Awareness Week – and the theme is nature – we have put together some activities for you to enjoy at home, nursery or school to encourage everyone to get outside and enjoy some serotonin, reduce their stress and increase their well-being.  Nature is a wonderful asset to mental health because: It

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Why Time Management Matters to Mental Health

How busy is too busy?  How quiet is too quiet?  Whilst we recognise that spending all our time at home, not interacting with others is not beneficial to children’s mental health. What happens when they over-schedule their time and have little time to do nothing? The issues that often arise are either:  Teens whose diaries

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Creating Motivation in Young People

Motivation is the word on everyone’s lips right now, at its fundamental core, as the world becomes a peculiar place and boredom and monotony sets in, removing us from the from the initial novelty factor how do we help our children and teenagers (as well as ourselves) to get motivated, and most importantly, is that

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Growing Children’s Comfort Zones

Managing anxiety  When children experience anxiety they can quickly start to avoid activities, not wanting to aggravate the uncomfortable feelings. This leads to a situation where their world becomes smaller and smaller, whilst their worries when they need to step out of it grow bigger and bigger. Whilst allowing them to avoid things can feel

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Signs and Symptoms of Overwhelm in Children

What is it? When a child feels emotionally overwhelmed it means that they feel smothered by their thoughts or emotions to the point that they feel that they cannot function. Overwhelm is an intense emotion and causes a flood of emotions and stress in the body. It can create a fight-flight-freeze-faint response which can cause

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Recognising the signs of poor mental health

The only certainty about mental health is that we all have it. If we imagine it as a swinging pendulum, throughout our lifetimes, our mental health moves between good mental well-being and poor mental well-being, depending on life circumstances, events and situations. Everyone can have days when their mental health feels more sensitive, but for

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