Emotions & Feelings

Children’s Activities: Bubble Breathing

Learning breathing techniques as part of our day is a perfect way to: calm the central nervous system reduce stress lower your heart rate regulate emotional responses increases energy improves digestion Bubble Breathing Bubble breathing is a great activity to teach children to help them reduce their own stress. Bubble breathing is a simple and

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Children’s Activity: Children’s Feelings House

Sometimes, we know that things are bothering us, but it can feel hard to put it into words. So, when someone asks ‘what is bothering you?’ the question feels impossible. Using activities that help children to talk, and explore their emotions in safe spaces helps children to develop their self-awareness and emotional literacy.   Download

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40 Regulatory Activities to Support Anxious Children

When anxiety affects a child they can find it challenging to know what to do. For some children they may have the ability to express their emotions and communicate their needs to you, however, for some, feelings can escalate quickly. There are some simple activities that we can keep in our tool kits to support

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Distraction Techniques for Panic and Anxiety

Distraction techniques are strategies used to take your mind away from your current emotions. They are a method of resetting your emotions rather than absorbing all your energy into challenging feelings. They help you to focus your mind and attention.   Focussed breaths Focus your breath on the inhale and exhale. For instance, counting in

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Signs and Symptoms of Health Anxiety in Children

Health anxiety is described as when an individual spends too much time worrying: That they are ill That they could be getting ill Whilst a certain level of concern is completely normal if we have symptoms of illness, health anxiety can begin to take over life. Health anxiety is often obsessive and irrational and individuals

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How does ‘Restraint Collapse’ affect children?

Does your child walk in the door after school and….. Explode? Fall apart? Lose the plot? Struggle to cope? Become distresses? Restraint Collapse is a term developed by Andrea Loewen Nair, a parenting educator. It is used to describe children who bottle up their feelings and anxieties all day, doing all they can to hold

How does ‘Restraint Collapse’ affect children? Read More »

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