Articles & Resources

Nicky Edwards

Why ‘Behaviour’ is a set of clues

Behaviour is, in its simplest form, a set of SYMPTOMS. Behaviours are an indicator that something else is happening inside the child, that we need to identify and help them to work through. Behaviour is a response to feelings. Behaviour is a way of communicating needs Feelings come from an inner need in the child

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Nicky Edwards

Children’s Activity: My Feelings Diary

My Feelings Diary Learning to recognise the nuances and unique differences in our feelings is an important component of emotional literacy development. So, we are sharing a simple feelings diary which includes some aspects of positive psychology to support children’s emotional skills development. Download here  Next steps Download the feelings diary HERE  Review each section

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Nicky Edwards

5 ways to boost self-esteem

Self-esteem refers to the value that we place on ourselves. This includes our self-worth and levels of self-respect and influences our thoughts, feelings and behaviours, as well as our emotional well-being. When our self-esteem is high we can find that we are more receptive to our connections with others, feel more satisfied in life and

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Nicky Edwards

Children’s Activity: Explore with me

Taking time to support children to link their feelings and causes together supports them to recognise what is happening. Many children have a limited repertoire of feelings that they can understand, and therefore we want to start with the simplest and then slowly support them to recognise the nuances between them. So, once we understand

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Emotions & Feelings
Nicky Edwards

What is alexithymia?

What is alexithymia Alexithymia is a psychological condition by which an individual is unable to identify and describe their own emotions and recognise them in others. This means that the individual finds it difficult to understand and express how they are feeling which can influence their social and emotional development, as well as their connections

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Nicky Edwards

Children’s Activity: Therapeutic Colouring

Free Downloadable Colouring Download here  Free Activity So, this week, our free activity is a downloadable mandala colouring sheet, so you can unwind together. Why not make it a family affair and all have a go…. Download it here  Print it off Grab some colouring pens or pencils Relax and unwind   Want to learn more? 

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Child Mental Health
Nicky Edwards

Why we need to be aware of diagnostic overshadowing

Whilst traditionally a term used in more  medical environments, over recent years the recognition of diagnostic overshadowing has increased. Diagnostic Overshadowing occurs where a child (or adult) symptoms are attributed to their previous diagnosis rather than exploring their cause, meaning or what they relate to. Diagnostic Overshadowing was first coined in 1982, by psychologist Steven

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Nicky Edwards

Children’s Activity: Back to School Plan

Back to School The return to school is always met with a mixture of excitement, nerves and uncertainty. This can mean that we become caught in our fight or flight mode, and struggle to think logically. Having a plan can help children to feel back in control, as well as validate their feelings and support

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Nicky Edwards

Autism and its links to anorexia

Please note the information in this article is not medical advice and should not be taken as such. If you have a concern about a child’s eating behaviours please ensure that you speak with a medical professional  Autism In my therapy work, I frequently work with young people with anorexia. Many, but not all clients

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Nicky Edwards

Children’s Activity: Regulation Strategies

What is regulation When we think about emotional regulation, we are also looking at children’s emotional literacy we are considering: How we acknowledge our feelings Our ability to label our feelings Our skills to be able to regulate ourselves Learning strategies, and supporting children to practice these as part of their daily routines, allows them

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Adult Mental Health
Nicky Edwards

Why self-care is our first priority

We so often hear about ‘self-care’ and its importance. However, frequently this is attached to images of beaches, bubble baths and extravagance, which is not viable day to day. The reality is that self-care is a consistent practice that needs commitment and very often – scheduling. But, why do we need it? Supporting regulation When

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Nicky Edwards

Children’s Activity: Mandala Colouring

Sometimes, we just need an activity that allows us to switch off and zone out, to process our thoughts, feelings and experiences.   Free Downloadable Colouring Sheet Download here   Free Activity So, this week, our free activity is a downloadable mandala colouring sheet, so you can unwind together. Why not make it a family

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Child Mental Health
Nicky Edwards

7 Reasons girls are not recognised as having autism

We frequently find that parents of girls with autism report their daughters being missed for significant periods of time. In my own therapy and coaching practice, I invariably meet a large number of girls aged 14 and above who have not been referred for assessment, and who have had significant challenges emotionally, socially and with

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Nicky Edwards

Children’s Activity: All about me

When we think about self-esteem, we want to consider how easily children can identify their strengths, areas of development and their abilities. So, this week we have a reflection task to support those conversations and reflections. All About Me Download here    Next steps Download the sheet here (download) Collect pens and pencils Read through

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Adult Mental Health
Nicky Edwards

The Dangers of Victim Blaming

Have you ever noticed that when we see or hear tragedies, challenges or bad news on the news, internet or social media that so many people will leap to comment: “They should have done XYZ and it would have stopped that”  “In my day, they wouldn’t have been allowed to do that”  “Where were their

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Nicky Edwards

Children’s Activity: Art Board Prompts

Exploring our identities can feel tricky when working with children. Asking questions such as ‘who am I?’ can feel challenging, after all, how many of us understood ourselves when we were younger? So, this week we are sharing a board of 12 activity prompts you can use to learn more about children and encourage some

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Child Mental Health
Nicky Edwards

Sensory Seeking or Sensory Avoiding?

Sensory Behaviours Our brains work 24 hours a day. Every day, our brains are taking in information from the world around us. For many of us, we give this little thought, perhaps even taking for granted the inputs and stimuli we receive from the environment. For others, the world around them offers a constant stream

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Nicky Edwards

Children’s Activity: Calm and Colour

Sometimes, we just need an activity that allows us to switch off and zone out, to process our thoughts, feelings and experiences. When we have something to focus on, we can often find it easier to talk as well. So, having therapeutic colouring sheets to work on, whilst having conversations about our challenges or feelings

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