Articles & Resources
Children’s Activities: Grow your own Garden
Self-esteem Self-esteem is the value we place on our own worth. It is the opinion we have of ourselves. The way we view our worth in the world. It can be positive or negative, and the level of our self-esteem impacts the way that we see the world and the events that occur in our
Why we need to teach children (and adults) self-reflection
So often, I meet children (and adults) who are caught up in a challenging thought process where they are angry with particular features of friends, teachers, parents or peers. One of the activities that we often take part in, is to consider: “How much of that characteristic exists in you” All of us have mirror
Children’s Activities: How am I feeling?
How am I feeling? A step of emotional literacy development is being able to recognise what our emotions are. In order to do this, we first need to consider their names and what they feel like. For children, exploring characters in stories is a first step to understanding how people feel and why they might
Why we need to look beneath child behaviour
Previously, I spoke about the child behaviour iceberg (find it here), so in this article, I want to look at the ABC of behaviour. When I started my career working as an early years practitioner, later as a Nursery Manager and then a lecturer of early years, (before eventually finding myself as an inspector) I would
Children’s Activity: Regulation Flash Cards
Regulation Flash Cards If you have followed our article and podcast about self-regulation (if you missed it find it here) then you will know we have been talking about developing children’s emotional literacy, their ability to recognise and respond to their emotions. As part of this, supporting children to know which strategies they can use
The Dangers of Toxic Positivity to Connection
How often, when you have been faced with a challenge, crisis or struggle, have you been bombarded with comments to be ‘more positive’ and ‘look at the bright side’ and felt completely minimised or dismissed? In this article, I want to explore the concept of ‘Toxic Positivity’ and some of the risks that it holds
Children’s Activity: Feelings Thermometer
Feelings A step of emotional literacy development is being able to recognise what our emotions are. Many children can find it challenging to be able to recognise, identify and respond to their emotions, particularly emotions such as excitement and anxiety as both create adrenaline in the body. A great first step, is to encourage children
The importance of looking beneath the iceberg
We frequently discuss that behaviour can be likened an iceberg. However, from my experiences as both a teacher and a therapist, this can unintentionally be forgotten when it comes to managing and responding to children’s behaviour. The iceberg analogy gives us an opportunity to consider all the contributing factors which may be affecting a child’s
Children’s Activity: Regulation Colouring Sheet
If you have followed our article and podcast about self-regulation (if you missed it find it here) then you will know we have been talking about developing children’s emotional literacy, their ability to recognise and respond to their emotions. As part of this, supporting children to know which strategies they can use when they feel
Fight – Flight – Freeze – Fawn, How do you react?
Fight – Flight – Freeze – Fawn Many people are familiar with the concept of the fight – flight response. When our central nervous system involuntary responds to a perceived threat, an acute stress response kicks in and each individual, depending on their own programming will respond accordingly. Fight or flight, in its simplest form,
Children’s Activity: Affirmation Cards
Affirmations Affirmations are positive statements which are used to to help us challenge and overcome difficult or negative thoughts. They are simple statements which are repeated as part of a routine to help us move through challenges. Affirmations can also be displayed so that we can read them frequently and help us to make positive
5 ways to manage emotional exhaustion
In a world that seems to never stop what do we do when it all catches up with us? After the last 2 years of constant change, expectations and challenges to navigate, a frequent comment that I hear from children, teenagers, parents and professionals is that they feel ‘exhausted’. There has been so much to
Children’s Activity: Design your own elf
Whilst we rush about getting the last bits ready for Christmas, why not settle the little ones down for something creative. Join us and design your own elf. What you need: Download the worksheet here (find it here) Print as many copies as you need Collect up art resources Find glasses of milk (and possibly
8 Ways to Protect Mental Well-being at Christmas
Whilst Christmas can be incredibly exciting. For some, it brings struggles with mental well-being, overwhelm and rising stress. Christmas can be magical, but for others, it can create sensory overload and be an overwhelming period of constant change, noises, colours and challenges to navigate. For adults, Christmas can feel like a great deal of pressure
Children’s Activity: Feelings Wheel
Feelings A step of emotional literacy development is being able to recognise what our emotions are. Many children can find it challenging to be able to recognise, identify and respond to their emotions, particularly emotions such as excitement and anxiety as both create adrenaline in the body. A great first step, is to encourage children
The importance of gaining different perspectives
Life can be busy, and often, when I work with clients, they can find that it’s a struggle to keep things in perspective. To see the good which sits alongside the bad, or the greys amongst the black and white. When we are stressed, or experience stress for a significant period of time, it can
Children’s Activities: Christmas Walk ‘I’ Spy
Christmas is coming! So, what better time to blow the cobwebs away and get out for a wintery walk and see how many of our Christmas ‘I Spy’ items you can find from the checklist! Download it here How to use it Download the worksheet (find it here) Laminate (optional) Clip to a clipboard Attach a
8 Ways to Support Your Own Mental Health
When our mental health declines, it can feel overwhelming, scary and quite exhausting. Our instincts can sometimes tell us to hide, act out or to seek out comfort seeking behaviours. However, sometimes, our instincts offer us solutions which increase the struggles that we are experiencing, and as such, we need to consider how else to
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