Children’s Activity: Make your own Gratitude Monster


In recent years, research into the power of gratitude has identified the importance that this practice has on our sense of happiness and well-being. When we practice gratitude consistently, and over time, we can train our brain to focus on what is going well, and develop a sense of optimism.

It has been found, that gratitude boosts serotonin and activates the brain stem, which produces dopamine.

Supporting children to practice gratitude helps them to boost self-esteem, positivity and well-being. So, we are sharing our gratitude monsters to start your gratitude journey.

Personally, I write my gratitudes before bed, as this improves my sleep quality.

Gratitude Monsters

Download here 

Next steps

  1. Download your gratitude monster here 
  2. Print them off
  3. Collect colouring pens or pencils
  4. Colour the monster and give them a name
  5. Consider what we are grateful for (people, actions, opportunities….)
  6. Write your favourite four in the bubbles
  7. Repeat daily and create a monster gratitude book to celebrate all the good moments

Want to learn more? 

If you want to learn more about ADHD you can join our Level 4 training (here) or keep an eye out for our new neurodiversity courses coming soon (here).


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Further help 

For more articles about mental health visit – ARTICLES 

To learn more about child and adolescent mental health visit – COURSES 

For resources to support child and adolescent mental health visit –RESOURCES 

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